Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Birds eat both natural food and manually prepared by their owners

Having birds as pets and feeding them is one of fastest hobbies all over the world and especially in US. Almost 60 million people have pet birds with them and feed them. Feeding birds and watching their gestures while eating seems to be very interesting by people of all ages. All birds need diet, water and shelter but eating habits or diet of birds vary with respect to different families of birds. If you want to know general eating habits of birds, you can take advantage of this information.   Let’s discuss eating habits of birds:

Birds eat both natural food and manually prepared by their owners. Natural foods that birds like to eat commonly include fruits, grains, flowers, nuts, seeds, insects, worms, berries, nectar, fish, meat, vegetables, eggs, animals and even other birds. Some birds even eat dead animals and birds.   
You will be amazed knowing the fact that eating habits or trends of birds depend on type of beak or bill the birds have. For instance birds having thick cone bill use to cracking seeds like cardinals, sparrows, grosbeaks and finches etc. These birds also eat insects and worms whenever seeds are not available.   
Diet and eating habits of birds can be categorized by different factors like their flying, sight and hearing. We can also determine the eating habits of birds by following aspects:   Birds like to swallow food while flying.
Eyesight of eagles and hawks are very sharp and they can see prey from great differences.
Hearing ability of an owl can help it detect rodents even in darkness.
Heron can detect food from refraction of water.
Robins have ability to see and hear movements of earth worms and got them.

Seasonal changes make a big difference regarding diet and eating habits of birds. Wild birds find their food from nature and obviously their eating habits change when season changes. Birds go to eat fruits when fruits are ripe. Plentiful worms and insects are also available to birds in certain season. Birds keep looking for opportunities for getting their food from natural changes. Mostly birds migrate from one region to another for the sake of food. Small birds eat during all the day in winter because eating worms make them hungry very soon.   Winter season becomes a hindrance for most of the birds to find their food because there is snow on the ground every where. Winter is very crucial time for birds and they can be tampered by feeders. When we discuss eating habits of birds we cannot ignore a basic need of water for them. Rather than birds drink water, taking bath is a natural thing in birds and they like to splash in the water.

Hope you all like the information given regarding birds eating habits.

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